Wednesday, June 18, 2003

A time of reflection........(bear with me). 7 months ago, when Frank's journey began, there were 3 verses that I kept going back to for some reason......

Phil 1:12-14 Now I want to know brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel, so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has become well known throughout the whole praetorian guard and to everyone else, and that most of the brethren, trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment, have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear.

From our side of the computer, each one of you will never know how much your words of encouragement for us kept us strong in the Lord. So many times, we've met or heard of people that read these entries that we don't even know. E-mails have come to us with amazing testimonies of a growing faith.

Frank said from the beginning that he wanted God to be glorified through this cancer journey (his "imprisonment" - if you'll allow me the analogy).

As we've seen the mercy of God working in our own lives, we have also been witness to God working in yours. We have seen your "courage to speak the word of God without fear". We have hoped that your answered prayers on our behalf have only strengthened each one of you as these last 7 months have strengthened us. The body of Christ is an awesome mystery. I can't wait to see what God will do next, can you?

Frank is still recovering. He saw Dr. Weir today. We were shocked that is white count was the same as Monday - 1.11, but the other counts had gone up. The doctor said everything was fine and that he looked great! (I could've told them that. :)

He is still fighting a queasy tummy, but the doctor said that was normal too.

We are humbled and grateful that God answered our prayer specifically. He made it through transplant with no infection, minimal side effects and perfect timing - (kids are at camp while he recovers).

The main question people are asking is "what now"? Frank still has to complete the protocol for his treatment. There is another transplant in the fall. Then, another year of chemotherapy. After that, there is a maintenance regimen of shots. He'll be followed closely with blood work monthly. The key with Myeloma is keeping it beat down. The treatment isn't over, but as Dr. Weir said today, he's been through the toughest part now. And with God's help, he's done it beautifully.
We are looking forward to picking up the kids on Saturday. They haven't heard the news and Frank can't wait to look them each one in the eye and tell them! What a day that will be!

We love you all......
Still overwhelmed with joy, Peggy

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