Thursday, March 27, 2003

Praise God. Today was a great day!

The procedures that were performed on me were ones that I have been very anxious about for a long time. Today I had a second port inserted into my's called a triple lumen catheter. For some reason I have been under the impression that the process hurt and the catheter would be irritating. Well I am happy to admit that I was wrong.

Now I am not saying that the things that were done were fun, but I (we) made the best of it and tried to make everyone else smile. That's how I know.

Later the 4th round of Chemo was hooked up. I'll be carrying it with me in a shoulder pouch everywhere I go for the next 5 days. I've named it Me-Mini. well not really, but I do need a name for my pal. How about you guys posting some suggestions. If one really strikes me I'll get the kids to draw a face and stick it to the side of my bag.

The other cool news is that my tumors/bone lesions are getting smaller and the cancer is still in responding to the Chemo.

We are so very grateful to you all. For your prayers, for the gifts of service and support, for the love, and for being behind us 110% thank you again.

Finally I had a really neat conversation with a man from Kennett MO today. It is always neat to speak with fellow patients and to hear their perspectives. He had attended a support group meeting on Wed. night. He was pleasantly surprised to find out that everyone who spoke, spoke of their faith in God. I immediately thought of the old saying that you don't find atheists in foxholes.

When traumatic events come upon us (as humans) normally we seek God out for comfort and reassurance.
One of my prayers through all this is that as believers, we will learn to rely on Him when times are good. (Psalms 2,3, & 8) As you can imagine I've had a great deal of time to think about my life of 38 years. Something that I regret is that in a way I have taken for granted how truly blessed I am.

As you read this note from me to you, if you have not taken stock of the blessings in your life, don't wait. You never know when you'll step in a foxhole.

Until tomorrow

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